Company Information
Mil-Pac Technology has been developing software for the very specialized requirements of defense contract packaging and shipping since its inception in 1982. It continues to develop and refine products that automate DD-Form processing and barcode label generation and support advanced electronic data interchange (EDI) applications for a variety of defense initiatives. Mil-Pac's integrated solutions for Wide-Area Workflow (WAWF), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Unique Identifiers (UID) lead the industry for their ease of use and their impact on productivity.
Mil-Pac software is relied on for the marking, packaging, acceptance and invoicing of millions of dollars of defense contract deliverables every month. Mil-Pac is leading the way making off-the-shelf WAWF-enabled applications available to defense contractors. Mil-Pac is dedicated to understanding and meeting the needs of the defense contractor and is committed to total customer support.
Mil-Pac Technology offers a number of powerful, flexible software solutions currently in use by a wide range of defense companies from the very largest prime contractors to the very smallest subcontractors on which the defense industry depends.
A few of the more than 2,000 companies that depend on Mil-Pac software: BAE Systems, Cubic Defense, General Dynamics, General Electric, Goodrich Aerospace, Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell Aerospace, Lockheed-Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon Defense, U.S. Army, Westinghouse Corporation.